Tag: Project 365

A Month of Color

So, we bought our D90 just over two years ago.  We didn’t take it off “Auto” settings until I took an Intro to Photography class about 6 months later.  I took my second Intro to Photography class a year after that.  We just invested in our second lens a couple weeks ago. (By that I mean that The Mr. bought me a new lens for my birthday).  In this slow progression, I do feel my photography has improved, but it’s no where NEAR where I would like it to be.

If you ask any photographer he/she will tell you that the only way to get better at it is to shoot, shoot, and shoot some more.  Shoot CONSTANTLY.  So that’s what I’ve got to do if I truly want to build and learn to flex my photography muscle.  I’ve got to shoot daily.  I’ve pledged to complete a 365 project before, but unfortunately failed to see it through.  This time, though, I mean business.  As it’s early June, halfway through the year, it seems like as good a time as any to start project like this.  Sort of a Half-Year Resolution, if you will.  New Year’s Resolutions are SO CLICHE anyway.  😉

I’m a big fan of the Shutter Sisters.  Each month always have a monthly “Picture _____ ” project going.  The blank is usually filled with a word that allows for creative expression and interpretation in shooting.  You know “Picture Hope” or “Picture Summer” or “Picture Discovery.”  Well this month, thanks to Xanthe’s inspiration, the assignment is to shoot color.  Starting today each weekday has been assigned a different color.  Those who wish to participate are challenged to seek it out and shoot it.  Here’s the schedule.

Looks fun, doesn’t it?  Anyone want to join me?

I was first introduced to this concept by Nichole from Little Brown Pen.  She mastered it while shooting all over Paris and now has a book to show for it.  While I’m certainly not expecting a book deal from this project, I’m definitely going to use this opportunity to kick off my own little Project 365 – for real this time and see what I can do.  Check back and I’ll show you the finished color project at the end of the month!

Cheers y’all,

The Mrs. Signature

Permanent link to this article: https://kitchendoesnttravel.com/archives/941

Project 365

Today is my birthday. Therefore, I think it is a fitting day to start a year long project. You may remember that the Beer Guy and I recently purchased a Nikon D90 in an effort to develop (pun intended) a new photography hobby together. We’ll we’ve had it for about a month now and have taken tons of pictures, but I still don’t feel like I really know how the thing works. If I intended to continue to just “point and shoot,” then I should have saved my money and just kept using my Sony Cybershot. But that is not why we threw down the cash for the fancy-schmancy new camera. My true intension is to become a stinking awesome photographer. To that end, I am embarking on a year long journey, beginning today, entitled Project 365. You photography aficionados are probably familiar with the concept: I take my fantastic new camera and take at least one picture every day for a year. Ideally, I will experiment with the various settings, actually read the manual that came with the camera, maybe take a class, and throughout the course of the year becomes fluent in all things D90.

I will, of course, be posting the pics here possibly along with my photography “lessons learned”. We’ll also get a gallery started so that you can all see the Project evolve, even if you miss some posts. (I’ve got to enlist the help of the Beer Guy for that).

For your viewing pleasure, here are a couple pics for Day 1.

Please don’t be too critical. They will get better as the year progresses.

Wine Girl

Permanent link to this article: https://kitchendoesnttravel.com/archives/9